Analysis on comparison of psychiatric involuntary admission in Russia, Thailand and Malaysia
Wong Wai Hoe
Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет
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Наука, практика, современность
Профилактическая медицина
Рекомендуемая ссылка:
Wong Wai Hoe, Analysis on comparison of psychiatric involuntary admission in Russia, Thailand and Malaysia. Публикация в СМИ: "Наука и образование ONLINE" (Наука, практика, современность). Дата публикации: 08.04.2017. Регистрация СМИ: ЭЛ №ФС77-70153 от 30.06.2017. URL доступа:
Legal regulation is a system of legal impact on social relations in order for the society to be organized and orderly, and this, of course, is also applied in the field of psychiatric healthcare system, especially for involuntary admission of psychiatric patients who are dangerous to himself and others, hence, demand prompt admission to the hospitals for further assessment and treatment. A comparative analysis of current mental health Acts on involuntary admission is conducted in order to identify opportunities for further improvement of the regulatory framework, taking into account of international experiences in this field from various countries, namely Russia, Thailand and Malaysia.
Ключевые слова
#comparison, #involuntaryadmission, #mentalhealth, psychiatry
Библиографический список
- О психиатрической помощи и гарантиях прав граждан при ее оказании – Закон РФ от 02.07.1992 N 3185-1 – Действующая последняя редакция от 03.07.2016 .
- MENTAL HEALTH ACT. B.E. 2551 (2008)
- LAWS OF MALAYSIA. ACT 615. MENTAL HEALTH. ACT 2001. Date of Royal Assent : 6th september 2001.
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