Aftertreatment systems and technologies to catch and clean the emission gases escaping from cars pipes


Ghellab Yahia

St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics
Дата публикации 31.10.2017
Период публикации Наука, технологии, прогресс
Рекомендуемая ссылка: Ghellab Yahia, Aftertreatment systems and technologies to catch and clean the emission gases escaping from cars pipes. Публикация в СМИ: "Наука и образование ONLINE" (Наука, технологии, прогресс). Дата публикации: 31.10.2017. Регистрация СМИ: ЭЛ №ФС77-70153 от 30.06.2017. URL доступа:


The purpose of this paper it’s a brief description of the abatement strategies, aftertreatment systems and technologies which reduce the harmful emission gases fllowing from cars pipes. With emission norms becoming more and more stringent, industries are using technologies to reduce NOx emissions, Hydrocarbons (HCs) , Carbon Monoxide (CO) and particulates matters (PM) and so on. Nitrous Oxides (NOx for short) are one of the most harmful pollutants produced by automobiles, damaging the ozone layer and the environment. Hence, countries like U.S, Japan and those in the European Union have come up with more stringent emission norms to reduce the impact on the environment. Serious efforts are being made to reduce the amount of these harmful gases emitted by automobiles, especially those using Diesel Engines.

Ключевые слова

Aftertreatment systems., Automobile, Exhaust gase, cars pipes
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