Coeducational VS Single-gender schools


Madiyarova Tomiris Manarbekovna

Nazarbaev Intellectual School
Дата публикации 19.05.2021
Период публикации Май, 2021
Рекомендуемая ссылка: Madiyarova Tomiris Manarbekovna, Coeducational VS Single-gender schools. Публикация в СМИ: "Наука и образование ONLINE" (Май, 2021). Дата публикации: 19.05.2021. Регистрация СМИ: ЭЛ №ФС77-70153 от 30.06.2017. URL доступа:


Same-sex education is an old approach that is gaining a new momentum. Today over 1,000 single-gender schools were created in the world. Although single-sex education has long existed in many private schools, it’s a relatively new option for public schools, especially in Kazakhstan, as there are only few single-sex schools in our national education system, and where they do exist, they are offered as an option rather than a requirement. However, given gender stereotypes and differences between the sexes, the great debate over whether boys and girls thrive together or separately has not yet been resolved, and therefore, my research is about Co-ed versus Single-sex education schools.

Ключевые слова

Coeducation, Single-gender school
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