How much are people satissfied with their new-built home?


Nurlankyzy Aiym

Nazarbaev Intellectual School
Дата публикации 19.05.2021
Период публикации Май, 2021
Рекомендуемая ссылка: Nurlankyzy Aiym, How much are people satissfied with their new-built home?. Публикация в СМИ: "Наука и образование ONLINE" (Май, 2021). Дата публикации: 19.05.2021. Регистрация СМИ: ЭЛ №ФС77-70153 от 30.06.2017. URL доступа:


Nowadays most people are suffering because of lack home. That is why, they must live in eerie conditions. What is terrible, among them exist groups as family having children or with only one breadwinner. Majority of people stay in queues, where average waiting period is almost 10 years. It proves that problem is important and relevant as ever. Majority of people complain about home’s quality after moving to new apartment. Forums of residents, videos on YouTube and in social networks — and now everyone knows where the crooked walls, terrible sound insulation and everything is bad. But even worse — an emergency new building.

Ключевые слова

apartment, buildings, construction, flat, house, new house
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